Drug Sales Attorney in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Long Beach, Orange County
Drug Sales Attorney in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, and Orange County
Drug laws, especially in California cities like Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, Orange County, and the surrounding areas, are changing at a rapid pace. What was once illegal is now legal, and things that were legal are suddenly illegal. Drug crimes can include possession and selling, distribution as well as manufacturing, and if you get charged with a drug crime you need a skilled attorney with knowledge of how police operate. McCready Law Group has the skill and experience you want in a drug sales attorney, so give them a call today to learn how they can help you.
The Various Penalties to Drug Crimes
The truth is that there are many different penalties when it comes to drug crimes, and you need a skilled drug sales attorney to help navigate the different aspects of the law. Depending on the time of day, location, substance, and amount, you might have serious penalties thrown at you or you might get off with just a small fine. Your McCready Law Group attorney will help to explain the details and investigate your case to determine the best options available.
Drug possession penalties could include a fine of up to $1,000, or possible jail time, or both. Probation or parole and random drug testing are also possible penalties for drug possession. If you have the intent to sell the drugs you possess, your jail time could increase substantially, as well as the amount of your fine. Manufacturing gets worse yet, and then you might see more penalties if your location is near a school or other area where youth gather.
All of this requires a knowledgeable attorney that understands the full case as well as the law and can investigate your case thoroughly. Don't attempt to represent yourself if you have criminal drug charges against you, there are too many things that you could miss. Call McCready Law Group today.
Why Choose McCready Law Group?
McCready Law Group has more than 12 years of experience in handling criminal drug charges in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, Orange County, and the surrounding areas. They know how the police operate and their policies and procedures. With his eight years of law enforcement with the Los Angeles Police Department, McCready has experience with accident reconstruction, dealing with various intoxicants, the use of force by police offers, and other important knowledge. When drug charges are filed, don't wait for things to happen, be proactive and seek the help of McCready Law Group to deal with those charges.