DUI Attorney in Long Beach and Santa Ana, California
At the McCready Law Group in Long Beach, DUI defense attorney Zachary McCready provides aggressive legal representation to clients who have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as driving under the influence of both Illegal and prescription drugs. As a former police officer who served with the LAPD for 8 years, Zack has provided zealous legal counsel and representation for more than 10 years to both DUI and DWI clients, and possesses extensive experience fighting on behalf of those who have been taken into police custody for DUIs or DWIs, and other related driving offenses.
Mr. McCready understands that if convicted, you may not only lose your driving privileges for an extensive period of time but also be sentenced to serve time in jail or prison based on the circumstances of your case and whether or not you are a repeat offender. If you have been arrested for a DUI or DWI and are facing prosecution, it is essential that you retain a DUI Attorney as soon as possible who has in-depth experience handling these matters and knows how to craft a successful defense.
At the McCready Law Group, we offer free comprehensive case consultations with one of the region’s leading DUI defense attorneys. During your confidential consultation, Mr. McCready will review the circumstances leading to your arrest and will give you an honest, in-depth legal analysis of your case. Dedicated to the protection and preservation of his clients’ constitutional rights, attorney Zack McCready will fight vigorously to help you retain your freedom and prevent the loss of your driving privileges and professional license.
Put Experience On Your Side
In the state of California, any individual whose Blood Alcohol Level is .08 or higher may be found guilty of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Former LAPD officer and a practicing criminal defense attorney Zachary McCready possesses an in-depth understanding of the issues pertaining to both DUIs and DWIs. This knowledge extends to police procedures such as the use of breathalyzers (including the arresting officer’s proficiency and training using the device and how often the equipment has been properly calibrated), blood tests, challenging the administration and accuracy of field sobriety tests, and numerous other factors.
When arrested for driving under the influence, the DMV is immediately notified and will conduct an independent investigation and hold an administrative hearing to review your case. Because you have an extremely brief window of time within which you must appear before the DMV, you could face the risk of losing your license for an extensive period of time. That's why Attorney Zack McCready provides complete legal counsel and assistance with all DMV Administrative cases.
Do I have to submit to a blood or breath test?
Under California Law, if you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, under implied consent laws you are required to submit to a blood, breath or urine test pursuant to receiving your driver’s license. Failure to comply will result in the automatic suspension of your driver’s license for a year if this is your first offense. Implied consent laws also require that you comply with an officer’s request to view your driver’s license and insurance information. However, while the proceedings are mandatory, you are not required to submit to field sobriety tests or eye tests. Additionally, if your job requires that you be licensed by the state, you risk losing your license and your livelihood. Do not let this happen to you. Long Beach DUI defense attorney Zachary McCready represent clients in a wide variety of DUI and other drug and alcohol-related driving offenses, including but not limited to the following:
Driving on a Suspended License from Prior DUIs / DWIs
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Illicit Drugs
Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana
Driving Under the Influence of Prescription Drugs
Driving without a License
Dry Reckless – Generally utilized during plea bargain negotiations
Felony DUIs
Felony DWIs
Hit and Run
Misdemeanor DUIs
Misdemeanor DWIs
Reckless Driving
Underage DUI
Vehicular Manslaughter Resulting from DUI / DWI
Wet & Reckless Charges – Reduction from DUI / DWI
What possible penalties could I face for a DUI?
If you have been placed under arrest and are facing criminal prosecution for any of the above, it is imperative that you contact an experienced DUI / DWI Lawyer as soon as possible. Being charged and convicted of a serious driving offense such as a DUI, DWI, Hit & Run or Vehicular Manslaughter could result in the loss of your license, substantial fines and restitution, and a lengthy jail or prison sentence, and these convictions typically remain on your driving record for up to ten years. Generally speaking, the penalties and fines in the State of California for a first time DUI offense consist of:
Fines not to exceed $1,000
Maximum of a six-month jail sentence
Suspension of your Driver’s License for anywhere from six to ten months
Successful completion of a Court Ordered and Approved Rehabilitation (Drug or Alcohol) Program
The penalties and fines become more punitive in nature with each additional DUI / DWI conviction.
If the facts clearly demonstrate intoxication at the time of arrest, Attorney Zack McCready will fight vigorously to have the charge reduced to a Wet Reckless. The penalties associated with a wet reckless conviction are much less severe and will prevent a DUI from appearing on both your criminal and driving records. The prosecutor may also be much more likely to reduce charges if you had a borderline blood-alcohol level. However, if you are arrested and convicted of committing another DUI, the Wet & Reckless plea will be deemed a first time DUI / DWI offense by both the Courts and the Department of Motor Vehicles. At the McCready Law Group, we have successfully defended hundreds of clients charged with both minor and serious driving offenses, and understand the investigatory measures and legal steps which must be taken to achieve results.
DUIs & Professional Licenses
If you hold a professional license conferred upon you by a California State Licensing Agency and are arrested and convicted, or enter into a plea bargain for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are in a very precarious position, as the state has the right to suspend or revoke your license. The following professions are subject to licensing disciplinary actions based on public policy and the licensee’s ability to perform their work to the best of their abilities:
Building Contractors
Building Subcontractors
Police Agencies
Social Workers
You may also be denied a state-issued license if you file your application after you have been convicted of a DUI or entered into a plea bargain. Because the stakes are incredibly high for licensed professionals, it’s essential that you retain a skilled Long Beach DUI Lawyer immediately to mitigate the potential fines, penalties, loss of driving privileges and the suspension or revocation of a professional license. Long Beach DUI defense attorney Zachary McCready has more than 18 years’ combined law enforcement and legal experience dealing with DUIs. As a seasoned negotiator and highly skilled trial lawyer, Mr. McCready will fight vigorously to protect you. For immediate legal counsel and assistance, contact the McCready Law Group today and set up your own free personal case consultation. Don't wait, put our legal knowledge and experience to work for you today!
DUI Defense Attorney Serving Long Beach, California
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s how easy it is to find yourself in a situation where you could be faced with a DUI charge. Don’t face this challenge alone. With over 10 years of experience helping clients in Long Beach, I have the knowledge and courtroom experience you need to give you the best chance at defending your case. Don’t wait, call the McCready Law Group today.