How to Handle Drug Charges in Long Beach & Santa Ana, CA
Long Beach Drug Crime Attorney Zachary McCready has been aggressively and successfully defending clients charged with the commission of a wide range of drug crimes since 2007. A highly skilled and effective Criminal Defense Lawyer, Mr. McCready is committed to preserving and protecting the rights of each and every client and has the experience you need on your side when facing the harsh penalties that could result if convicted of committing a drug crime. He is also a Criminal Law Specialist. This certification by the California Board of Legal Specialization indicates Mr. McCready has completed extensive education requirements to become an expert in this field.
Whether you or a loved one has been arrested or is being prosecuted for allegedly committing a drug-related misdemeanor or felony crime, at McCready Law Group we are here to help! Contact Long Beach Drug Crime Lawyer Zachary McCready as soon as possible for a free, confidential consultation by calling 562-222-5630 today! Failure to immediately retain the legal counsel and representation of a highly seasoned Drug Crime Attorney could result in dire consequences, especially if you have already made a statement to the police without the benefit of counsel.
A former officer who spent 8 years with the LAPD, Mr. McCready approaches each case from a unique point of view. His time with the Los Angeles Police Department provided Zack McCready with extensive knowledge regarding how these cases are investigated and prosecuted. Due to his law enforcement background, Long Beach Drug Crime Lawyer Zachary McCready utilizes the investigative and prosecutorial tactics he witnessed as a police officer, which has significantly enhanced his ability to preserve and protect the Constitutional Rights of his clients. Our law firm provides access to private investigation services to gather information and conduct witness interviews on your behalf.
Aggressive Drug Crime Attorney in Long Beach
At the Long Beach Criminal Defense Law Firm McCready Law Group, Lawyer Zack McCready offers vigorous legal representation defending clients in a broad range of drug-related matters, including but not limited to the following charges:
Drug Manufacturing
Drug Possession
Drug Possession, Sales and Use While Incarcerated
Drug Trafficking ⢠Drunk in Public
Illegal Possession of Prescription Drugs
Illegal Prescription Drug Sales
Intoxicated in Public
Manufacturing of Crystal Methamphetamine
Marijuana Cultivation
Possession of Contraband
Possession with Intent to Distribute
Transportation of Drugs
Under the Influence of Drugs
Drug Crimes are serious, and while some drug-related offenses may be charged as misdemeanors, the vast majority of drug cases tend to be prosecuted as felonies. As such, these crimes typically carry very harsh penalties upon conviction. However, with the recent passage of Proposition 47, based on the circumstances, possession of drugs may be charged as a misdemeanor. Additionally, those who were sentenced prior to the passage of Proposition 47 may now petition the court for a sentencing reduction that reflects a misdemeanor conviction rather than a felony conviction.
The District Attorney's office takes several factors into account when determining how to charge the crime, including a defendant's criminal record, the types of drugs involved, whether children were present when any of these crimes occurred, level of danger to the public, whether the drugs were for personal use or intended for sale, and the quantity involved.
When an individual charged with a drug crime qualifies for the Diversion program, all charges will be dismissed upon successful completion of the program.
Frequently clients are charged with drug crimes as the result of a traffic stop and ensuing vehicle search (with or without a warrant or probable cause), resulting in the individual being charged with numerous offenses.
Penalties can range from fines, mandatory treatment, and probation, to long prison sentences. Long Beach Drug Crime Attorney Zachary McCready is proud to offer quality, highly effective representation to all clients. A highly skilled negotiator, Mr. McCready will fight to reduce the charges against you through intensive plea bargaining and alternative sentencing negotiations. If we are unable to reach a satisfactory deal that is in the best interests of our clients, Drug Crime Lawyer Zack McCready will not hesitate to take your case to trial.
Contact a Long Beach Drug Crime Lawyer Today for a Free Consultation!
Whether you are being charged with a misdemeanor or felony drug crime, it is crucial that you contact an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who will fight vigorously on your behalf.
Contact McCready Law Group by completing our Criminal Defense Case Evaluation Form. Mr. McCready will contact you to schedule a free, confidential consultation.
For immediate assistance, call Zachary McCready today at 562-222-5630. Successfully fighting for the rights of the accused since 2007, call to speak directly to a Criminal Defense Lawyer and obtain answers to all of your questions.