According to statistics from the National Domestic Violence Hotline, every year, over 12 million men and women are victims of domestic violence or abuse in the United States. Domestic violence allegations are serious and can cause significant long-lasting ramifications to your quality of life, reputation, liberty, and future opportunities. If convicted, you could be facing hefty fines, jail time, a restraining order, loss of parenting privileges, and deportation.
If you are facing domestic violence allegations or if you are under investigation for domestic abuse, it is important that you retain an aggressive and highly-skilled California criminal defense attorney immediately. McCready Law Group provides comprehensive legal services and strong representation to clients who have been arrested and charged with domestic violence. As an experienced California criminal defense attorney, I can fight aggressively to help protect your rights and ensure that you get a fair hearing.
McCready Law Group is proud to serve clients throughout Long Beach, California, and the surrounding communities of Cypress Hill and Lakewood.
Domestic Violence in California
According to California Penal Code 13700, "domestic violence" is described as “abuse committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.”
“Cohabitants” are two adults (unrelated) who have lived together for a considerable amount of time and as such have developed a relationship of some permanency. For example, they are intimate with one another, share living expenses, or co-own/lease their property.
An individual commits "abuse" when he or she:
Physically hurts or tries to hurt someone intentionally or recklessly
Makes someone reasonably afraid that they are someone else will be seriously hurt
Sexual assault
Exhibits behavior such as stalking, harassing, threatening, hitting, or destroying an intimate partner's personal property.
Furthermore, domestic violence is not always physical. Such domestic abuse may be verbal, psychological, or emotional.
Possible Consequences and Penalties
The possible consequences and penalties of a domestic violence conviction in California include:
Jail: Mandatory minimum jail time of up to one (1) year in jail (misdemeanor) or up to four (4) years in prison (felony).
Fines: Fine of up to $2,000 and payment of restitution to the victim.
Anger Management Classes: Mandatory participation in a "batterer's intervention program."
Loss of Firearms: You will lose your California gun rights.
Loss of Parenting Privileges/Custody: You may lose your parenting privileges and child custody rights.
A domestic violence restraining or protective order.
A permanent criminal record.
Possible Domestic Violence Defenses
In the event that the charges against an alleged defendant are false, an attorney may present a defense of:
False accusation
Lack of intent
Innocence (You didn't do it)
Error during the investigation
Inconsistencies in the evidence
The violence occurred as a result of your spouse's behavior
The crime can't be proven beyond reasonable doubt
An experienced criminal defense attorney may be able to prevent the case from even being filed by taking preemptive measures. The attorney may negotiate with the court to afford the accused offender a better outcome. In some cases, the serious criminal charges may be dismissed.
Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney
Defending yourself against a domestic violence charge can increase your risk of suffering maximum penalties. If convicted, you could face lengthy jail time, hefty fines, restraining order, deportation, and a permanent criminal record. It’s important to have the right criminal defense attorney and legal defense strategy that fits your unique situation when defending domestic violence charges in Irvine, Lakewood, Long Beach, Orange County, Huntington Beach, CA, and the surrounding areas.
At McCready Law Group, I have dedicated my career to providing strong representation in a wide range of domestic violence cases. With extensive courtroom experience and 8 years of service on the Los Angeles Police force, I know what it takes to navigate the criminal justice system, and I’m proud to use my knowledge to help defend you.
As your legal counsel, I will review every aspect of your case, conduct a thorough, private investigation, and determine your best defense strategy. I will fight vigorously on your side, help you pursue the best possible outcome, and see that you receive fair treatment.
If you are facing domestic violence charges, don't face it alone. Contact the McCready Law Group today to schedule a free, one-on-one case evaluation. I can provide you with the experienced legal counsel, advocacy, and aggressive representation you need. I proudly serve clients throughout Long Beach, Lakewood, and Cypress Hill, California. Call today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable California criminal defense attorney and get comprehensive guidance.